Sunday 23rd February 2020. 0820 – 0925

14 mm of rain in gauge. Cloud cover 50% with sunny periods progressing to full cloud cover with intermittent light rain. Wind light North Westerly. Track wet with numerous muddy puddles.

Photography this morning commenced before leaving home when two large birds were spotted copulating in the large Gum Tree behind us in George Mather Park. The big lens revealed that they were a pair of Eastern Koels which have been calling for months but remaining elusive so I was delighted to snap them.
After debate and review of the online forecast, set off for a quick Patrol leading a somewhat reluctant Thomas as Mother was in the kitchen cooking!
The Chocolate Brushtail Possum was in the mistletoe clump at Allumbah Pocket with nothing but her nether region on view.
As we arrived across the Suspension Bridge at The Other Side a juvenile Australian Brush Turkey was investigating the leaf litter before moving into Private Property.
Opposite Doreen Child’s Memorial Bench, White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum was in her predictable spot high in the canopy. At least one good shot was obtained.
No Water Dragons seen today . Not really their sort of weather, and the Cicadas were also silent.
Saw a Sacred Kingfisher at The Overhanging Bushes and included the very average photo for lack of material.
A small Saw-shelled Turtle popped up it’s head along Stringers Stretch and was duly recorded.
At the Viewing Platform, a group of Bush Stone-curlews were in the close corner of the paddock and one actually came through to our side of the fence.
My best shots for the day were taken along Bunya where a Bottlebrush in full flower had attracted numerous Metallic Green Christmas Beetles, a Ulysses Swallowtail Butterfly and a pair of Scarlet Honeyeaters. The latter unfortunately declined to be photographed.

Eastern Koel. Eudynamys orientalis

Female Koel
Poor image of Male Koel but identity confirmed having seen him in action!

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Not a very attractive view

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseucochirops archeri

White spot with Joey on her right hip. Interesting tail tangle!

Sacred Kingfisher. Todiramphus sanctus

On River Oak branch at Overhanging Bushes

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

At Stringers Stretch

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

At the Viewing Platform
In the Paddock

Christmas Beetle. Scarabaediae – Retulinae ssp ?

Beetle on left is just getting airborne.

Ulysses Swallowtail Butterfly. Papilio ulysses

Feeding on nectar
About to take off.