3 ml of rain since yesterday. Overcast with some light drizzle. No wind. Track damp.
Early start today to fit in with social engagements and preparations for Christmas.
First sighting was a male Eastern Water Dragon showing off on usual rock opposite the Memorial Bench. Another Dragon was seen at the Log Jam, sharing a log with two Saw-shelled Turtles. When he saw me he hid behind the log, poking his head out from the side to see what I was up to. After a few seconds he had a quick swim across to another log which he partially climbed.
Just before Log Jam Peninsula a Platypus was feeding along the far bank which was not ideal for photography but managed to get a few shots.
Nothing then until the Highway Bridge where an Australasian Swamphen was enjoying the company of one of Mr Dowling’s heifers. There were numerous Swamphens in the paddock behind the Car Park along with a few Magpie Geese and Pacific Black Ducks but surprisingly no Curlews.
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Australasian Swamphen. Porphyrio melanotus
Magpie Goose. Anseranas semipalmata