7 mm of rain in gauge. Sunny. No cloud. No breeze. Track damp.
Thomas reluctant to get out of his chair today. Must have known it was going to be a quiet walk!
Saw nothing until Memorial Bench where White spot the Green Ringtail Possum had returned to her high level canopy couch. She was looking quite content buy Joey as usual was draped around his Mum and could not be bothered to show his face.
Shared the viewing with a local N.Q. couple visiting Yungaburra who had this morning seen their first Petersons Platypus. Had an interesting chat and Thomas was not left out!
The Red Roarer Cicadas were back on the gum trees this morning. They seem to be lower down after rain during the night.
Nothing then until Platy’s Pool where a pair of Pacific Black Ducks were eating grass from the bank. I thought at first that one of them was a new species or perhaps a hybrid until I realised that the brown area of the face and upper bill was just a layer of mud!
No Dragons, Turtles or Platypus seen today.
Along The Narrows a Brush Turkey was perched near the top of a Queensland Kauri tree suggesting that they are much better flyers than some give them credit for!
Several groups of Long Eared Bats were roosting in the grooves between the concrete beams of the Highway Bridge. They are quite hard to photograph due to the low light and less than perfect angle.
No activity in the Rufous Shrike-thrushes nest today and the Bush Stone-curlews had moved back to Nick’s Camping Area.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Red Roarer Cicada. Psaltoda aurora

Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosus

Australasian Brush Turkey. Alectura lathami

Eastern Long-eared Bat. Nyctophylus bifax

Bush Stone-curlews. Burhinus grallarius.