No rain. Few scattered clouds. Sunny and very hot. Little to no breeze initially. Cool SE breeze developing later. Track dry.
Both dogs decided that it was far too hot and that they would rather occupy my chair in front of the TV! Spent some minutes at Allumbah Pocket looking for alternate Possum roosts without success. 2 Moderate to large Eastern Water Dragons on different perches in the same area as usual. A juvenile Krefft’s Short-necked Turtle was riding a floating log just upstream from Platypus Bend. A barely concealed Green Ringtail Possum was on a branch of the large River Oak just beyond the narrow section of the walk. Saw 2 juvenile Saw-shelled Turtles at the Log Jam together with a couple of medium sized adults and 2 more juveniles at Platy’s Pool. The Turtles must have been breeding well. Two more Green Ringtail Possums were in the Overhanging Bushes (Nos 1 & 4) although neither easy to get a good view of. No Platypus seen today although two sightings reported. Falling numbers in the past few days suggest to me that mating season is over and that the females are now in their burrows incubating eggs.
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Krefft’s Short-necked Turtle. Emydura krefftii

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum