No rain. Overcast with some sunny periods. Hot and humid. Cool southerly breeze. Track dry. Water level very low.
Instant action today with “Piratical Pete” the rather battered male Green Ringtail Possum again roosting in the tree which overhangs the Parking Area at Allumbah Pocket. I am sure that a taller man than I would have been able to touch him, but please don’t try !
Searched carefully for “Mrs Green” but unable to find her. Suspect that she and “White Spot” are probably hiding up at the bottom of one of the gardens on the Yungaburra side of the Creek.
Plenty of Eastern Water Dragons seen today with 2 at Horseshoe Rocks, the handsome young male close to the path near Snodgrass’s Pool and “Scarface” on the other side of the path to the Upper Level.
Numerous small birds feeding along the next stretch and obtained photos of a Black-faced Monarch, a Fairy Gerygone and a Dusky Honeyeater.
From the base of the Log Jam Peninsula I noted waves which suggested the presence of a Platypus and hurried along only to find a pair of Pacific Black Ducks hurrying up stream where they managed to scare the only Turtle off the Log Jam in advance of my arrival.
On the way back up the Peninsula another Black Faced Monarch came to join me and provided a better image than the previous specimen.
At Platy’s Pool I spotted another Green Ringtail Possum roosting in one of the nearby trees. I am fairly certain that it was the young male that I have been seeing regularly in the Overhanging Bushes.
Under the Highway Bridge a Platypus was foraging close in under the bank in very dark conditions. I engaged the flash and he appeared briefly in open water which enabled me to obtain at least some evidence of the sighting.
I checked as usual while crossing the Bridge and today 2 Eastern Water Skinks sunbathing on the rocks below. They are always a difficult subject but I was pleased with the image of the larger specimen.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Fairy Gerygone. Gerygone palpebrosa – female or juvenile
Dusky Honeyeater. Myzomela obscura
Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa
Black-faced Monarch. Monarcha melanopsis
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Eastern Water Skink. Eulamprus quoyii