No rain. Sunny with scattered cloud. Intermittent light breeze. Track slightly damp. Water level high but steady.
Wildlife Report
Thomas and I set off after lunch today and soon found a number of White-headed Pigeons in the trees along Bunya Street.
At Allumbah Pocket, no less than 3 Green Ringtail Possums were present. In the trees to the left of the entrance the female was well exposed apart from a few branches in just the wrong position to make photography difficult. Down the informal entrance near the Volunteer’s Storage Shed “Piratical Pete” was waking from his siesta which he demonstrated by a good scratch followed by an open mouthed yawn. “Popeye” was in the other side of the formal entrance but in deep shade.
A Black-faced Monarch came and posed for me in front of the Picnic Shelter.
While crossing Lloyd’s Bridge I met a couple, recently arrived on the tablelands and very interested in wildlife so they ambled along with me.
Nothing was seen at the Other Side but an Eastern Water Dragon was on Horseshoe Rocks and a Saw-shelled Turtle on the rocks in front of the Memorial Bench.
A Platypus then popped up in front of us although near the far bank and surfaced several times while moving slowly downstream.
I continued on my own photographing another Turtle at Snodgrass’s Pool and a pair of tiny Turtles at Platypus Bend.
On then to the Log Jam where more Turtles were on top of the concrete slab and my new friends caught me up.
No luck then until Stringers Stretch where a Platypus was already being watched at almost the same spot as No 2 from yesterday. His behaviour was essentially boring for several minutes and I took some long range shots while Thomas manged to get a good pat and had his ears tickled. The Platypus then climbed onto a log and gave a repeat performance although unfortunately further away and was observed by several couples passing along the walk.
I continued on photographing a Golden Orb-weaver near the Highway Bridge.
While crossing the bridge the local couple waved at me to cross the Highway where they had been smart enough to spot a female Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo with a joey in a tree on the creek bank of the vacant lot.
A good spot to complete the Patrol.
White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Black-faced Monarch. Monarcha melanopsis

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. ssp Nephilla

Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi