No rain. Blue sky with bright sun and no clouds. No breeze. Track not inspected today.
Regrettably suffering this morning from a gastro bug and have decided that the walk is too far from facilities to chance a Patrol today! Thomas of course very disappointed as I am sure my regular followers will be.
If things improve I may have a stroll along the Creek later in the day.
I have decided to use the extra time to update you on a few changes to my blog which you might not otherwise have noticed.
These are a new Petersons Creek Map and two additional pages on the menu at the top of the Home Page which shows the Blog of the day. Their headings are SPOTTING TIPS and VISUAL GUIDE.
Petersons Creek Map.
My previous published map was not very satisfactory as the size was too small and left out a lot of features. I was unable to find a reasonably accurate map of a size suitable for my requirements so I took the bull by the horns and drew a map which I believe is sufficiently accurate to serve. It was then necessary to digitise the image and edit it on the computer. I have added a few names and more information to aid visitors to the area and I hope that it will help everyone locate the animals which I report on the blog.
This image can be downloaded either from this page or from the bottom of the Visual Guide page.

This page is set out in two parts.
At the top is a section on What To Wear giving some basic advice.
Next is Equipment which covers binoculars and cameras.
The rest of the page deals with General Spotting and more detail on most of the animals and birds which you are likely to see on the Walk
This is an annotated photographic guide which covers the length of Petersons Creek from the Car Park to Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge. Each Photograph shows a section of the creek which can be seen by the naked eye from a particular spot while the accompanying notes link the location to the map and give an indication of what you are likely to see in this section.
My aim is to provide a guide which can be downloaded onto a smart phone which is carried by many visitors. I have checked that a phone signal can be obtained at any point along the Walk, even under the Highway Bridge.
To create a short cut to either the whole blog or to a specific page on iPhone of iPad.
I would chose the Home Page from which you can select whichever Page you require:
1) Navigate to Page you require using Safari.
2) Open the Page.
3) Press the share button which will take you to a selection of options.
4) Select “Attach to Home Screen” and enter.( On my phone their are 2 rows, Top for Facebook etc and bottom row for other locations which is what you want)
An icon will appear on the screen.
The process is very similar on other smart phones although the terms used may differ.
Hope you all enjoy the new information. Comments or suggestions are always welcome
Platypus Patrol