Saturday 5th October 2019. 1335 -1435

2.5 mm of rain overnight. Fine and sunny with scattered cloud. Moderate steady SE breeze. Track dry.

Platypus obviously felt that they had done enough yesterday and provided only a few brief glimpses today. Lots of Saw-shelled Turtles at various locations and a couple of large Eastern Water Dragons on the usual rocks. One of the young Green Ringtail Possums was sleeping in No 3 of the Overhanging Bushes but woke up for company and entertained a family of visitors with a good scratch. Also took photos of a Rufous Whistler which I hadn’t seen for some months, an Australasian Figbird near Quincan Cafe and a Bush Stone-curlew in our front garden.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Turtles on rock near Stepping Stones.
Occupying another favourite rock in same area.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

On his regular rock near Memorial Bench
Close up of the same Dragon

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Heading for the hills near the Log Jam.
Distant view from the Viewing Platform

Rufous Whistler. Pachycephala rufiventris

Whistling his heart out on Log Jam Peninsula

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Good Morning . Visitors again!
Having a wake-up scratch and showing her hind foot with clawless opposing thumb.
Comfortable and ready for another sleep.

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris, male

Figbird in mating plumage outside Quincan Cafe

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Feeling shy on Bunya Street.