2 mm of rain in the gauge. Cloudy with occasional glimpses of the sun. Intermittent blustery breeze from the south. Track slightly damp. Water level down another 2.5 mm.
Daily Wildlife Report
Chocolate Brushtail Possum was again residing in the Mistletoe Clump at Allumbah Pocket. She rewarded me with a bleary eyed good morning before going back to sleep.
At The Other Side a Pale-yellow Robin watched me as I checked out the trees for Possums.
A frisky Eastern Water Dragon was frolicking on the recently fallen tree at Snodgrass’s Pool while just off the path opposite the scar-faced Dragon was seen again. The erosion of his face appears to be increasing in size and I suspect that it will ultimately prove fatal. Unfortunately I can see no way of capturing him to attempt treatment. He is not constantly in the same pile of rocks and to investigate would require the use of a backhoe. This would only result in an earlier demise.
Cicadas were very noisy this morning and I saw several low down on the grey Gums at the edge of the track.
Having seen nothing else along the Creek, I checked out the Fig Tree overhanging the vacant lot and sure enough a male Green Ringtail Possum was hiding high in the foliage.
Throughout the walk I also photographed likely Platypus Burrows to which I plan to extend camera trapping. On the 27th I had my only trapping success with a clear photo of a Rakali ( White Tailed Water Rat) tail as it entered it’s burrow. This necessitated hanging a camera vertically above a burrow and I am now working on some modifications to facilitate this method in the hope that the same technique will work with Platypus.
Common Brushtail Possum. Chocolate colour. Trichosurus vulpecula

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Red Roarer Cicada. Psaltoda aurora

Green Ringtail Possum. Male. Pseudochirops archeri

Rakali. White-tailed Water Rat. Hydromys chrysogaster