Saturday 2nd November 2019. 1420 – 1525

No rain. Scattered clouds with sunny periods. Humid. Light variable breeze. Track dry.

Just Thomas and I again today. Checked the Golden Orb Weaver who is still immobile in the same spot. The Brushtail Possum was at Allumbah Pocket home and ears were visible today which has to be an improvement. The smallest Eastern Water Dragon I have ever seen was on a rock near the Memorial Bench and a larger one on the rocks opposite. Light constraints made a good image difficult. We also saw a large Dragon on the far bank at the Log Jam. On the way there a pair of Barred Cuckooshrikes flew into large river Oak between Platypus Bend and the Log Jam peninsula. There were as usual 5 or so Saw-shelled Turtles of varying sizes down to minute at the Log Jam and we enjoyed their company with a couple from Scotland who were kind enough to give Thomas his ration of pats. A Green Ringtail Possum peered at me around the trunk of a River Oak which extends branches into No 5 of the Overhanging Bushes. The sight of me must have shocked her as she scampered out of sight onto a branch on the other side of the tree. Another GRP was in No 2 of the Bushes and very well obscured. I introduced both of them to a young couple from Cairns who were very enthusiastic and was also able to show them the Bush Stone-curlew family who today were close to the clump of Golden Cane Palm on the block adjoining The Doctor House.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus Vulpecula

Ears erect so probable awake but eyes obscured. Possibly wearing shades.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Tiny Eastern Water Dragon ( 200 mm over all) near Memorial Bench.
Large Water Dragon on the far bank at the Log Jam.

Barred Cuckooshrike. Coracina lineata

In large River Oak between Platypus Bend and Log Jam Peninsula

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Enjoying the sun at the log jam.
Occupying one of the prime sites. Plenty of bottle for a little one!

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Peering round the trunk of a large River Oak.
Emerging from the other side of the tree.
Another Green Ringtail Possum in the Overhanging Bushes.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus Grallarius

Parents with chick near The Doctor House