3ml rain overnight. Overcast with frequent light showers this morning. Occasional glimpses of sun. Wind intermittent but gusty at times to 20 knots. Track moist.
Allumbah Pocket quiet again this morning but saw two Saw-shelled turtles near the Stepping Stones and photographed them from Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge. A male Eastern Water Dragon was photographed showing off behind the Memorial Bench and while doing so we discovered what the Black Pacific ducks have been up to along the Creek for the past couple of weeks.
Mother Duck appeared, looking very proud, and leading a flotilla of 9 ducklings! We left them in that location but as we arrived at Picnic Peninsula the Ducks overtook us swimming at high speed and vanished upstream. Must have been a bit of a workout for the babies!
Another Dragon was sighted at some distance near one of the rock piles in the cow paddock and four more Turtles were at the Log Jam.
No Possums today and again no Platypus. Very little bird life in the paddock behind the Car Park but our resident Bush Stone-curlew neighbour was present again along Bunya Street.
Saw-shelled Turtles. Elseya latisternum
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius