Saturday 21st September 2019. 1330 – 1430

No rain. Patchy cloud with intermittent sun. Wind blustery at times. Track dry.

Thomas and I sighted an Olive-Backed Oriole, along Bunya St. An Eastern Water Dragon was seen on the rocks near Snodgrass’s Pool. Five Platypus were sighted but all travelling at high speed looking for love. Difficult to obtain good photos under these circumstance. At Picnic Point saw 2 males approaching from opposite directions and prepared for video but the smaller of the two dived and vanished. The other spent several minutes diving and searching for it but without success. A number of Saw-shelled Turtles were sunbathing on the Log Jam and at Platy’s Pool.

Olive-backed Oriole. Oriolus sagittatus

Oriole in Bottlebrush along Bunya Street. Probable immature male.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

Platypus diving at Platypus Bend
Downstream of the Log Jam
Swimming to point where another Platypus has just dived
Feverish searching at high speed.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

At the Log Jam
I see you!