Saturday 19th September 2020. 1310 – 1420


2.5 mm of rain overnight. Overcast with sunny periods. Light breeze. Track damp with a few muddy patches.


This Post has been delayed as when attempting to process the images found that it was not possible to access the disc on which I store my images. Fortunately I have backups but insufficient available disc space disc space to restore them so spent the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday doings some research and ordering a new computer as my present one is like me and showing it’s age!
Thomas and I started out after lunch and saw nothing at Allumbah Pocket apart from a friend enjoying lunch at the shelter.
A tiny Saw-shelled Turtle was occupying the rock under the Suspension Bridge which has recently been the home of a very large specimen.
Then saw nothing until The Log Jam which today had a good display of Turtles. There were a few busy honeyeaters around but not remaining still long enough to photograph.
A Platypus was browsing under the bank foliage at Platy’s Pool but emerged for long enough to be seen by a visitor from France and a small family group.
Another Platypus was feeding at the upstream end of Stringers Stretch but remained at some distance.
On the rocks under the Highway Bridge two immature Eastern Water Dragons were enjoying a glimpse of the sun.
The regular pair of Bush Stone-curlews were again in a delightful spot adjoining Nick’s Car Park!

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Tiny Turtle under Suspension Bridge
At The Log Jam

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

At Platy’s Pool
In the weed near far bank
Stringers Stretch
Among the fallen leaves at Stringers Stretch

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Under Highway Bridge

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

As close to the cars as it is possible to get!