No rain. Thin layer of high cirrus cloud taking the sting out of the sun. No breeze however which made it seem hotter. Track remains dry.
No dogs on deck this morning after a night disturbed by a large black dog, who shall remain nameless, had eaten something noxious and required to go out 6 times during night. Father went on Patrol early to avoid falling asleep en route.
The Green Ringtail Possum was ensconced in the tree on the downstream side of Lloyds Bridge at Allumbah Pocket. Joey was still in bed however and completely inside her pouch. A turtle took to the water near the Memorial Bench and was the only one seen today. Two handsome Eastern Water Dragons were sunning themselves on the rocks on the landward side of the track between the Bench and Snodgrass’s Pool. A fleeting glimpse only of a Platypus downstream of the Log Jam and no others appeared. Found another Green Ringtail Possum on the upstream side of Picnic Peninsula in the crown of a high tree but not showing very much and seemed to be asleep. A Pacific Baza was seen while crossing the Highway Bridge and a small flock of Magpie Geese were on the bank of the tributary in the paddock behind the Car Park. A family of Olive-backed Sunbirds were in the Jacaranda Tree and starting to build a nest at Quincan Cafe. A pair of Peaceful Doves were spotted along Bunya Street.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Pacific Baza. Aviceda subcrista

Magpie Goose. Anseranas semipalmata

Olive-backed Sunbird. Cinnyris jugularis

Peaceful Dove. Geopelia placida