Saturday 15th August 2020. 1430 – 1535


No rain for several days. Sunny with scattered clouds. No breeze. Track dry.


Have been slack for a couple of weeks but today have a new camera to try out and Thomas is sufficiently recovered from his disc injury to manage a gentle stroll.
At Allumbah Pocket we immediately spotted a Brushtail Possum in the regular mistletoe clump. Colour looked rather pale for “Chocolate”, but light wasn’t very good so hard to tell. The signs were good for an interesting patrol!
Near Platypus Bend there were a number of Bottle Brushes in full bloom and in one a Scarlet Honey Eater was having a good feed. I always love seeing them as their colour is spectacular.
Soon after saw a Saw-shelled Turtle in the water.
At the base of the Log Jam Peninsula a Platypus appeared close to the far bank but soon moved close against the bank of the Peninsula and I obtained some good shots.
At the Log Jam at least 7 Saw-Shelled Turtles were taking the air and were posing nicely for me.
No Green Ringtail Possums in any of the regular spots but a Brush Turkey was waiting to escort us as we left the Walk.
Along the lane leading from Quincan Cafe to Bunya St a female Pacific Emerald Dove was strutting her stuff.
On the Creek side of Bunya Street the Bush Stone-curlew who has been enlivening our early mornings was snuggled down as usual among the Cobblers Peg.
Also spotted some of my new bees enjoying a neighbours Bottle Brush and more in the garden on a high Grevillea Moonlight flowers.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Not the best view and difficult to identify.

Scarlet Honeyeater. Myzomela sanguinolenta

Beautiful birds in the Bottle Brush

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Taking a breath on the surface.
Enjoying the sunshine
Getting a bit crowded here!

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Close to the bank.
Even close and practically at my feet!

Australian Brush Turkey. Alectura lathami

Escorting us back to the highway.

Pacific Emerald Dove female. Chalcophaps longirostris

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Will soon have squatters rights on this spot!

Honey Bees. Apis mellifera

In our garden