Saturday 14th March 2020. 0750 – 0900


No rain in gauge. Clear sky,slightly hazy. No breeze. Track drying but still some wet and muddy patches. Water level falling slowly.


Greeted at Allumbah Pocket by a large Golden Orb-weaver Spider just over the guard rail in front of the Picnic Shelter. Not the biggest but quite a handsome specimen.
While crossing Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge a Bar-shouldered Dove perched in the bottle brush on the upstream side and at The Other Side a White-bellied Cuckooshrike paid a brief visit.
No Eastern Water Dragons were seen and the Turtles were also absent.
Opposite the Memorial Bench, White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum was on her high level perch with her Joey showing his face in front of hers. Another Green RP was in No 3.5 of the Overhanging Bushes but very difficult to see.
Spotted a Platypus in the adjoining stretch of the Creek. She was busy fishing her way upstream and gave me ample opportunity for photos of which a couple were worthy of publication. With my eye to the viewfinder, I almost missed a fleeting visit my another Platypus traveling in the opposite direction and it did not appear again.
A third Platypus was seen along Stringers Stretch and continued on to The Narrows where I obtained more photos and introduced a passing lady walker to the animal.
Several Bats were roosting under the Highway Bridge and I could not resist another photographic attempt.
The paddock was again almost empty but the Bush Stone-curlews had returned to the fringe of the Car Park. The larger bird, which I assume to be the male, appeared to be in a foul mood and the female way laying low and saying nothing!

Golden Orb-weaver. Ssp Nephila

Over the guard rail and close enough to touch. This is not advised!

Bar-shouldered Dove. Geopelia humeralis

Alongside the Suspension Bridge

White-bellied Cuckooshrike. Coracina papuensis

At The Other Side

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Joey in the foreground with Mum behind showing her White Spot
Another Green RT possum at the Overhanging Bushes. . MYOB!

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Near Overhanging Bushes
Another view of the same Platypus
Number 3 at The Narrows

Bats. Ssp unknown

Bats under Bridge

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

I wish to be alone!
Laying low and saying nothing.