GREEN RINGTAIL POSSUM – Pseudochirops archeri

The Green Ringtail Possum is a rare arboreal marsupial found only between Paluma Range north of Townsville and Mount Windsor Tablelands inland from Mossman at altitudes above 300 metres. They are active mainly at night and by day are found roosting on a branch which they hold with their hind feet while sitting on the base of their tail. They feed on figs and leaves. Their fur has a slight greenish hue and if seen from behind they have 2 dull white stripes running down the back.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus Vulpecula

The Common Brushtail Possum is found throughout non-arid areas of Eastern Australia from Tasmania north to Queensland. North of Ingham they are rarely seen on the coast but inhabit the uplands extending north to Cape York Peninsula. They are less common along Petersons Creek than the Green Ringtail but are still quite frequently seen. Unlike their southern counterparts they are often active during the day, sitting on a branch not high above the ground. They particularly favour clumps of mistletoe .
There are various colour forms, grey being the most common particularly in the South. A reddish form is common in Rainforest areas and on the tablelands there is a darker form often called charcoal which I often liken to chocolate. The above is an example of the latter.