Monday July 8th 2019. 1315-1415

Late start today after morning shopping. Cody too tired to walk but Thomas keen on second outing for day. Sun shining and track drying out well. Met several groups of visitors several with children and chatted to several.

Platypus certainly more active and saw 4 today. One group reported 5 sightings. Heard Sarus Cranes honking but had travelled some distance before I spotted them over The Pinnacles. My first sighting for the season. A lot of water birds in paddock behind car park. Ibis, Purple Swamp Hens and Pacific Black Ducks and one of my regular pairs of Bush Stone-Curlews near Nick’s Restaurant.

Platypus 1

Nice closeup shot with particularly good view of eye and ear.

Platypus 2

Feeding quietly where water flow slowed by semi submerged logs.
Membrane sliding up over eyes as bill start to submerge in preparation for diving.

Platypus 3

Lot of work going on under water here.
And here he is.

Platypus 4

Distant view in Viewing Platform Pool .

Australian Swamphen – Porphyrio melanotus

Group of 3 in paddock behind car park.

Sarus Crane – Grus antigone

Distant view against the clouds

Bush Stone-curlew – Burhinus gralarius

Close to Nick’s Restaurant – standing still pretending that you are unable to see them!

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