No Rain. Sunny with clear sky. Light breeze. Track dry.
Found a family of Bush Stone-curlews in a garden along Bunya Street which Thomas and I took to be a good omen and sure enough there were 2 Saw-shelled Turtles in front of the Memorial Bench and the regular Eastern Water Dragon on the rocks just opposite. Almost immediately a Platypus appeared, came to have a look and then accompanied us to the other side of Platypus Bend. Only 4 Saw-shelled Turtles at the log jam but we were preceded by a group of noisy teens who may have frightened them. Joined a couple watching a Platypus at the upstream side of Picnic Peninsula and saw another at the next bend leading to the narrows. This one put on a real show burrowing in leaf litter under about 150 mm of water and making frequent appearances. No possums seen today but you can’t have everything. The Plumed Whistling Ducks were still lined up along the tributary behind the Car Park and at least 5 Bush Stone-curlews could be seen in the trees at the southern end of the paddock.
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

Plumed Whistling Ducks. Dendrocygna eytoni