Monday 5th August 2019. 1305 – 1350.

Another 5.5 mm of rain overnight. Overcast. Few light showers. Track sticky in places and needs care.

Progress complicated by recurrence of enteritis during walk but managed to complete distance. Python finally showing both head and tail and now looks more likely Carpet Snake than otherwise. No possums in residence today. Few birds except a few small flights of Sarus Cranes and a Willie Wagtail. A solitary turtle seen. One platypus reported but not seen. Another seen and photographed in Viewing Pool

Carpet Snake ā€“ Morelia spilota

Much better view today. Perhaps now ready to move on.

Saw-Shelled Turtle ā€“ Elseya latisternum

Platypus ā€“ Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Only platypus seen but kind enough to be quite busy in front of spectators at Viewing Platform.