37 mm of rain in the gauge after heavy showers during the night. Heavy overcast but no sign of immediate showers on the BOM radar. Track wet with numerous puddles and water running down the path in a couple of places. Some areas of black sticky mud. Very little breeze. Water level risen about 50 mm. Cafe au lait water due to run off sediment. New Moon.
Wildlife Report
Weather looking very dismal early but by 0800 it had brightened up somewhat so I headed out carrying an umbrella just in case.
Saw nothing along Bunya Street or at Allumbah Pocket although I did note that Cicadas were very loud particularly downstream and it would have been quite difficult to hold a conversation.
As reached the other side of the Bridge I immediately spotted a Green Ringtail Possum in the tree just downstream of the main Bridge Support pole. It was fairly easy to see but surrounded by dense foliage and no further identification was possible.
I headed as usual towards the Picnic Shelter and almost immediately became aware of some activity in the canopy of a small tree on the Creek side of the track. A moderately large and robust bird appeared to be constructing a nest but working on the opposite side of the structure and I was reluctant to move around too much which might have frightened it away. I fired off a mass of images whenever I glimpsed the bird above the nest and although there are only flashes to be seen I have no doubt that it was a Spotted Catbird which I had no idea built nests in trees.
I will post a number of images with which you can make up your own minds.
On to the Picnic shelter where “Popeye” the male Green Ringtail Possum fixed his beady eyes upon me.
At the Middle Rocks I found two Eastern Water Dragons, both of which appeared to be male, sitting on adjoining rocks and staring each other out.
They were introduced to a couple with a child in a pushchair who were trying to find a Platypus.
Continuing on I noticed that the Cicada song was decreasing but kept my eye on the Grey Gum Trees alongside the track and soon spotted a Red Roarer Cicada although too far up the tree for a good photo.
I spotted nothing else of interest until Platys Pool where the Coppery Brushtail Possum was again in the Mistletoe Clump. He was sound asleep after a disturbed night so the photo is hardly spectacular.
Along the Overhanging Bushes the Green Ringtail was in his regular roost and was awake but also looking rather grumpy . Two ladies from Cairns were interested to see him.
Another hiatus until the Highway Bridge where the second Coppery Brushtail Possum was also sound asleep and refusing to be disturbed.
The Juvenile Easter Water Dragon was in a slightly different location under the bridge but provided a good photo.
The Bush Stone-curlews were in a slightly different location and looked as if they might have adopted an ornamental table as a Wedding Bower.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Spotted Cat Bird. Ailuroedus maculosus

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Red Roarer Cicada. Psaltoda aurora

Coppery Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius