7.5 mm or rain since yesterday. Sunny. Sky clear with scattered high cloud. Little or no breeze. Track wet with numerous small puddles and some mud. Not for white trainers.
Set out early this morning to fit in with appointment to speak to the staff of Yungaburra Visitor Information Centre about the activities of Platypus Patrol.
Thomas and I entered the Walk at Allumbah Pocket and immediately located an antisocial Green Ringtail Possum in the trees to the right of the entrance. Refused to show it’s face so photographs not inspiring.
While crossing Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge an effervescence of bubbles was seen indicating a submerged Platypus near one of the old bridge supports. It soon surfaced and a couple of dives supplied a number of pics before it headed off downstream.
There were signs (scats) of recent Possum activity on the benches near the Suspension Bridge supports at The Other Side and shortly after found White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum at her high level perch close to the Memorial Bench. I was unable to see any sign of her joey through the camera but this is not unusual and it may have temporarily returned to the pouch.
There were no Eastern Water Dragons to be seen, probably too cool for them at the early hour, but at the upper level a pair of Bush Stone-curlews were seen lurking in the long grass.
Opposite Snodgrass’s Pool I investigated the clump of tree where possums are often seen and discovered a delightful female Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo with her joey. They were sitting high in one of the trees, bathed in the early morning sunlight providing perfect photographic conditions and I obtained some pleasing images.
No Turtles were seen today. Insects were also absent and even the Cicadas had stopped, or perhaps hadn’t started, calling.
Another Platypus was sighted at Stringer’s Stretch alongside Picnic Peninsula but decline to stop just to suit me.
There were fewer small birds along the Walk today although plenty along Bunya Street when we started.
Arriving at Platypus Viewing Platform I saw one of the owners leave the Rufous Shrike-thrushes nest. Obviously taking time out!
The Bush Stone-curlews had returned to the trees on the East side of the Car Park.
In the water meadows beside the Creek were a flock of Australian White Ibis and a group of Magpie Geese were grazing at the far end of the Paddock.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo. Denrolagus lumholtzi

Australian White Ibis. Threskiornis molucca

Magpie Geese. Anseranas semipalmata