Monday 30th December 2019. 0750 – 0800

Only 1 ml of rain in gauge. Cloudy with sunny periods. Light breeze. Track moist and sticky in places. No puddles.

On arrival at Allumbah Pocket, Thomas and I conducted an extended search for possums without success.
Found one of the Eastern Water Dragons in the most popular spot near the Memorial Bench
but the male Possum had moved on.
Found another Green Ringtail Possum however in the regular place opposite Snodgrass’s Pool but in a different part of the tree. Took a set of photos but on processing them suspect that this was a female with a joey protruding from the pouch. Please comment if you think differently.
The flowering trees were again full of bees and birds and this morning photographed a Rufous Whistler and captured an unusual view of a Brown Honeyeater.
At the Log Jam met Harry and his father with another older couple who had been watching a Platypus. I found it again a few metres down stream but it dived immediately before vanishing completely. The platypus seem a lot more cautious at present than they were during the mating season.
Saw nothing else until arriving at the Car Park where a flock of Magpie Geese were arrayed in a line across the paddock behind. Perhaps the farmer has been distributing food for the cattle? There were also a group of Pacific Black Ducks in the upper reaches of the Creek and a few Australian White Ibis.
The pair of Figbird chicks are growing by the day in front of Nick’s Pizzeria and the juvenile Brushturkey had found himself a perch close to the Bunya Street path.
A solitary Bush Stone-curlew was standing as usual in a garden across the road.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Not very well focused due to high contrast conditions.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

A lot of white fur to the right of tail, either pouch fur or tum of joey. See next image.
Inside the tail curl another loop of tail can be seen but inside that looks to me like part of joey’s face.

Rufous Whistler. Pachycephala rufiventris

Several of them seen this morning.

Brown Honeyeater. Lichmera indistincta

Part of mixed Honeyeater flock in unusual pose.

Magpie Goose. Anseranas semipalmata

All in a row.
Posing on a trough

Australian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

Bigger by the day

Australian Brushturkey. Alectura lathami

Found the safety of a perch!

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

The Bunya Street resident