6 mm of rain over night. Blue sky with thundery clouds, distant thunder and forecast for rain and storms. Wind variable with occasional gusts relating to storm cells. Track slightly damp. Water level steady. Moon phase – New Moon on 03 March.
Wildlife Report
After a morning of mental pressure decided that I would risk getting wet and get some physical exercise along Petersons Creek.
I found nothing at the entrance to Allumbah Pocket but as soon as I turned the corner I spotted a Tree Kangaroo hiding in the tree in front of the Picnic Shelter. I managed to get some partial face shots with some difficulty but the best photo was obtained from the far side of the Suspension Bridge.
The Flying Foxes have now moved closer to the Creek and I was also able to photograph them from the Bridge
At Horseshoe Rocks an Eastern Water Dragon scuttled from view as I approached but another waited to pose in a convenient position.
In the trees opposite Snodgrass’s Pool a Pacific Emerald Dove came to inspect me and a few metres further on a pair of Laughing Kookaburras gave me a beak full of abuse.
There were numerous White-headed Pigeons in the taller trees and I photographed one along Log Jam Peninsula.
At Stringers Stretch another Water Dragon ran across the full width of the Creek before perching on a log where I captured his image.
There were numerous Wide-footed Fishing Bats roosting in the joins under the Highway Bridge but it is difficult to count them. I think I obtained images of at least a dozen without trying some of the more distant groups.
The Bush Stone-curlews were out in the open at Nicks Camping Area and quite cooperative.
In the Overhanging Fig Tree “Tatty” the Coppery Brushtail Possum was presenting the usual view but generously allowing us to see her tail!
Along Bunya Street one of the resident Curlews was posing with one of the chicks.
Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi

Spectacled Flying Fox. Pteropus conspicillatus

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Pacific Emerald Dove. Chalcophaps longirostris

Laughing Kookaburra. Dacelo novaeguineae

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Large-footed Myotis. Myotis macropus

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Coppery Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula