4.5 mm rain in gauge. Dark, overcast and drizzling early, progressing to steady rain. Light wind from NNW. Track wet with numerous muddy puddles. Slippery in places. Take care on steps down to and under Highway Bridge.
Late start on Patrol this morning after a few errands but short term online forecast appeared promising so decided to give it a go.
Pleased that I did as a Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo was spotted without stepping off the bitumen a Allumbah Pocket. It proved to be concealed in dense foliage in the trees to the right of the entrance path and it proved impossible to obtain a good clear image. I did manage to capture sufficient to leave no doubt as to it’s identity and shared the view with a tradesman who stopped off for a quick break before his next job. Thomas enjoyed his attention too!
Within a few metres , Chocolate the Bushtail Possum was found in the Mistletoe clump in the tree next to the Picnic Shelter but was not in the mood for showing her face.
Near the Memorial Bench, White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum was in the same spot with Joey once again hiding his face. Perhaps he has zits and is embarrassed by them?
On the rocks close to Snodgrass’s Pool the long tailed Eastern Water Dragon was draped in a pose almost identical to her last appearance.
A couple of Saw-shelled Turtles were out of the water at the Log Jam but they were hardly sunbathing! While photographing them, a juvenile Water Dragon splashed into the water within a metre of me and swam across the pool!
In one of the River Oaks along the bank at Platy’s Pool I was surprised to find another Green Ringtail Possum completely exposed on a branch about 5 metres above the ground although the second GRP that I ever saw was in foliage at the base of the same tree!
By this time it had started raining seriously but I had come prepared with a plastic bag in which to protect my camera.
It was easing by the time I emerged from under Highway Bridge so I was able to snatch a shot of an Australasian White Ibis in the Paddock.
At the Viewing Platform I met two ladies who wanted a rundown on what I had seen and as the rain came on again they departed in their car to Allumbah Pocket. I hope they were lucky!
I just had time to take a photo of the pair of Bush Stone-curlews who hang out at the Car Park before hightailing it for home.
Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Australasian White Ibis. Threskiornis molucca

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus Grallarius