1.5 mm of rain in gauge. Light overcast with sunny periods. SE breeze. Track dry. Water level falling slowly and now a good 70mm below maximum.
Wildlife Report
The report commences with a large White-browed Hawk Moth which had must have entered during the evening and this morning was resting on our wood burner.
It had to be photographed before breakfast and was followed immediately by 5 Channel-billed Cuckoos which were roosting in the gum outside our rear fence.
Chooks fed, breakfast over and the camera being already set up Thomas and I decided to make an earlier start on Patrol.
A lot of birds were active along Bunya Street but none very cooperative until we reached the corner with Penda St where a pair of Australasian Figbirds were singing in a tree.
In the trees to the left of Allumbah Pocket entrance “Popeye” the Green Ringtail Possum was sitting in a well concealed spot and a couple of shots were taken with some difficulty.
An Eastern Water Dragon was perched on one of the Horseshoe Rocks in full sun and again posted a photographic challenge.
At the Upper Level an immature Spectacled Monarch was photographed performing a comprehensive morning grooming.
Further along the track a Spangled Drongo was seen at almost the same spot as on the last patrol.
After that we saw only Columbidae, particularly a White-headed Pigeon, a Bar-shouldered and a Peaceful Dove.
White-browed Hawk Moth. Gnathothlibus eras

Channel-billed Cuckoo. Scythrops novaehollandiae

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Spectacled Monarch. Symposiachrus trivirgatus – juvenile

Spangled Drongo. Dicrurus bracteatus

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Bar-shouldered Dove. Geopelia humeralis

Peaceful Dove. Geopelia placida