No rain in the gauge. Cloudy with sunny periods. Southerly breeze gusting to 15 knots. Track dry. Water level low. New Moon 5th Nov.
Wildlife Report
Cloudy weather made walking conditions better today so left earlier after lunch.
I saw two of the Bunya Street family of Bush Stone-curlews but the juveniles must have been in hiding.
At Allumbah Pocket “Mrs Green” the Green Ringtail Possum was back in her regular tree to the left of the entrance and I was fortunate to find her with Mum and Joey peering from each side of the tree trunk.
A somewhat disconsolate looking male GRP was in the tree on the right side of the suspension Bridge. He was very close to the Bridge but did not object when photographed from this direction.
An Eastern Water Skink was on one of the Stepping Stones and a few shots were taken but after checking out The Other Side I decided to go down to the water’s edge to get a better view.
By this time he had moved on but my efforts were rewarded by a Saw-shelled Turtle on one of the nearby rocks and a Platypus which appeared in the very scummy water just upstream from the Stones. He appeared several times but never very close.
Two Eastern Water Dragon were decorating the skyline at Horseshoe Rocks and were duly photographed.
By this time the Platypus had caught me up and was much more cooperative.
A Pacific Emerald Dove preceded me along the track from that point and as I took a photo his mate decided to land directly in front of me and got included in the shot.
Two Turtles of vastly different sizes were on the sloping log at Snodgrass’s Pool.
In the trees immediately next to the Pool sign, “Whitespot” the Green Ringtail and her joey were occupying their regular spot but joey could not be bothered to look at me!
Nothing was then seen until The Log Jam where all sites were occupied by Turtles performing a variety of poses.
The only other sighting today was of a Varied Triller which was busy in the trees where the track comes up to the Highway.
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

The wheelbarrow makes an attractive backdrop!
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Skink. Eulamprus quoyii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Pacific Emerald Dove. Chalcophaps longirostris

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Varied Triller. Lalage leucomela – female