Monday 18th to Thursday 21st January 2021.


Not a lot of rain recorded but almost every day had been characterised by overcast skies and frequent light drizzle. Light winds only in this area. Track damp with some muddy areas. Water level high, steady.


My apologies to my regular followers for the lack of regular posts during this week. The threat of Cyclone Mimi earlier in the week, constant drizzle, activities regarding the Platypus with a plastic ring around its neck and lack of wildlife when I have ventured out has resulted in little to publish.
Here is a collection of the animals that I have seen during my wanders along the Creek for one reason or another.
I will not attempt to write a disjointed narrative but the location of the various images are recorded.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Piratical Pete with his chewed ears above the Car Park at Allumbah Pocket and not very happy
Popeye in the trees opposite Snodgrass’s Pool
The male GRP usually seen one of the Overhanging Bushes perched today on the open branch of a River Oak

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

On the rocks behind the storage shed at The Other Side
A larger specimen at the corner of the Paddock
Baby water dragon on rocks under the Highway Bridge

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Small Turtle at The Log Jam, which is under water at present.

Cicada Green Baron. Psaltoda magnifica

Large Cicada on car port wall. Green Baron.

Trail Camera at Petersons Creek

Still working on it!