Yungaburra lies on the Atherton Tablelands astride the Gillies Highway which runs from Atherton through the village and on to Gordonvale on the Bruce Highway about 30 mins south of Cairns. There is a bus service to the village but the timetable does not facilitate tourism. Various tour companies provide day trips to the Atherton Tablelands in the course of which they visit Yungaburra. Your own or a hired vehicle is the best means of visiting and several routes are available and also gives the option of an overnight stay. Numerous hotels, motels, camp grounds and B&Bs are available throughout the Tablelands.
Best suited to those who enjoy driving mountain roads with spectacular views of Walsh’s Pyramid, Bellenden Kerr Range and the Goldsborough Valley as the highway winds it’s way across the steep escarpment. Drive south from Cairns to a major crossroads on the highway at Gordonvale and turn right. Follow the signs. 90 minutes approximately depending on Cairns traffic.
For the more cautious, take the Kuranda Range route which is wider with easier corners on it’s way from Smithfield, just North of Cairns, to Mareeba and onward to Atherton. Although a greater distance the time taken by each route is almost identical as higher speeds can be maintained on the Kuranda route.
If travelling from the South, the Palmerston Highway runs from Innisfail to Millaa Millaa at the Southern end of the Tablelands. It has some steep grades but is the route of choice for heavy vehicles and B Doubles. There is a signposted short cut through South Johnston a few miles south of Innisfail which bypasses the town. Yungaburra can be reached by several routes via Malanda.