Friday 9th August 2019 – 1500-1600

Sunny day, no rain, no wind. Track dry.

Late walk today after morning spent attending to bee hive. Hard work, both received multiple stings including on nose, but bottled 5Kg honey and probably as much again extracted. Yum.

Common Brushtail Possum back in his mistletoe clump and showing his nose today. Not a single Platypus and Ringtail Possums also absent. Several Saw-Shelled Turtles at the Log Jam enjoying the afternoon sun. Straw-Necked Ibis in the cow paddock today and the pair of Bush Stone-Curlews on the move after being disturbed. A male Australasian Figbird in full mating plumage making his presence felt in front of Nick’s.

Common Brushtail Possum – Trichosurus vulpecula

Eyes tight shut but monitoring the passing odours.

Saw-Shelled Turtle – Elseya latisternum

On his favourite log!
The other end of the spectrum.

Straw-Necked Ibis – Threskiornis spinicollis

An imposing bird even if unpopular in some circles

Bush Stone-Curlew – Burhinus grallarius

Taking a surreptitious step

Australasian Figbird – Specotheres vieilloti (male)


For those far away and missing home – view downstream from under highway bridge.

Beautiful reflections.