4 mm of rain in the gauge. Overcast with occasional sunny periods. Light E – SE breeze. Track still quite damp, particularly from Log Jam Peninsula to Picnic Peninsula. Water level falling. Stepping Stones now easily visible although still submerged. Moon Phase First Quarter – 3 days.
Wildlife Report
On entering Allumbah Pocket I soon spotted a moderately large bird sitting in one of the trees close to the garbage bin. It took me a minute or two to decide that it was in fact a Spotted Cat Bird in an unusual position and sitting surprisingly still so I made sure not to waste the opportunity.
Nothing else was to be found at the Pocket or at The Other Side but at the path to the Upper Level I found a well coloured Eastern Water Dragon who was happy to pose.
Returning to the Track I found a Green Ringtail Possum in the Syzygium tree near Snodgrass’s Pool. The foliage was denser than usual and I was unable to sort out the anatomical details but the over all mass of Possum led me to assume that two were present. I believe that the second image shows the face of “Whitespot”s joey.
A couple of Saw-shelled Turtles were also photographed on the sloping log against the far bank.
At Flood Tide Island I spotted waves emanating from a patch of water weed where I have previously seen a Platypus on several occasions. I sat down close to the water’s edge giving me a better view into the foliage and was rewarded with intermittent sightings before the Platypus emerged and set off at high speed upstream.
At The Log Jam two more Turtles were seen on top of the concrete slab while a Water Dragon was on the front surface with the tip of it’s tail still in the water providing a very dramatic reflection.
At the base of the Peninsula I met an escorted Tourist Group and informed the leader about the Platypus. I was told later that her clients were well satisfied.
Nothing was then seen until the Highway Bridge where as usual I took pics of the Large-footed Fishing Bats.
While crossing the Bridge another juvenile Water dragon was photographed.
The Bush Stone-curlews were again present at Nick’s Camping Area and more images were obtained.
“Tatty” the Coppery Brushtail Possum as back in one of her favourite perches in the Fig Tree and showing more of herself than on recent visits.
In the Trees next to the Medical Centre car park a pair of Bar-shouldered Doves made a pretty picture.
Spotted Catbird. Ailuroedus maculosus

Eastern Water Dragon. Elseya latisternum

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Large-footed Fishing Bat. Myotis macropus

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Coppery Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Bar-shouldered Dove. Geopelia humeralis