7.5 mm of water in the gauge. Overcast with occasional very light drizzle. Intermittent breeze from West. Track still wet but drying and some areas of sticky mud.
Just for a change approached the Walk unaccompanied by Thomas and from the Highway Bridge end. I had arranged to meet with the Volunteers at 10 am for a meeting with Kev Allan, Regional Manager Land Services regarding safety issues along the Walk.
The Bush Stone-curlews had moved back to the Bamboo Clump today. There were fewer than usual Magpie Geese in the Paddock. One of the Rufous Shrike-thrushes was sitting on the nest in front of the Platypus Viewing Platform.
Along the Narrows I spotted a Little Kingfisher which I had only seen previously at Hasties Swamp. Got a couple of quite good images although I would have wished to be closer.
At the Log Jam there were no Turtles, mainly due to lack of Logs, but a couple from Canada were watching a Platypus just downstream. He put on a very entertaining performance and approached very close to where we were standing so my wishes were answered!
A lone Pacific Black Duck was seen near Platypus Bend.
Opposite Snodgrass’s Pool an Eastern Water Dragon was on the rocks.
White Spot was not visible today but a female Green Ringtail Possum was in the tree downstream from the Suspension Bridge with her joey. It was extremely difficult to obtain a reasonable view but I eventually managed one acceptable portrait and a glimpse between the foliage which does after a fashion show both faces.
Crossing the bridge I found that I was sharing it with a Leaden Flycatcher which flew up into one of the trees making a better photo.
At Allumbah Pocket I photographed a Pale-yellow Robin but there were no Tree Kangaroos or Possums today.
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Rufous Shrike-thrush. Colluricincla megarhyncha

Little KIngfisher. Ceyx pusillus

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosus

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Leaden Flycatcher. Myiagra rubecula. Male

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito