Friday 31st January 2020. 0900 – 1000

7.5 mm of water in the gauge. Overcast with occasional very light drizzle. Intermittent breeze from West. Track still wet but drying and some areas of sticky mud.

Just for a change approached the Walk unaccompanied by Thomas and from the Highway Bridge end. I had arranged to meet with the Volunteers at 10 am for a meeting with Kev Allan, Regional Manager Land Services regarding safety issues along the Walk.
The Bush Stone-curlews had moved back to the Bamboo Clump today. There were fewer than usual Magpie Geese in the Paddock. One of the Rufous Shrike-thrushes was sitting on the nest in front of the Platypus Viewing Platform.
Along the Narrows I spotted a Little Kingfisher which I had only seen previously at Hasties Swamp. Got a couple of quite good images although I would have wished to be closer.
At the Log Jam there were no Turtles, mainly due to lack of Logs, but a couple from Canada were watching a Platypus just downstream. He put on a very entertaining performance and approached very close to where we were standing so my wishes were answered!
A lone Pacific Black Duck was seen near Platypus Bend.
Opposite Snodgrass’s Pool an Eastern Water Dragon was on the rocks.
White Spot was not visible today but a female Green Ringtail Possum was in the tree downstream from the Suspension Bridge with her joey. It was extremely difficult to obtain a reasonable view but I eventually managed one acceptable portrait and a glimpse between the foliage which does after a fashion show both faces.
Crossing the bridge I found that I was sharing it with a Leaden Flycatcher which flew up into one of the trees making a better photo.
At Allumbah Pocket I photographed a Pale-yellow Robin but there were no Tree Kangaroos or Possums today.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

At the Bamboo Clump
Good view of the other half with feet outstretched!

Rufous Shrike-thrush. Colluricincla megarhyncha

On the nest in front of the Viewing Platform

Little KIngfisher. Ceyx pusillus

The smallest Australian Kingfisher
Has extremely long bill

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Emerging from the weed near the Log Jam
Blowing a bubble?
Close approach

Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosus

Quack to you too!

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Opposite Snodgrass’s Pool

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

I think this is joey sitting on Mum’s back
Distorted by intervening foliage but both faces can be seen.

Leaden Flycatcher. Myiagra rubecula. Male

Unusual in that female is much more brightly coloured than male.

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

A very typical posture on a tree trunk.