No rain. Bright and sunny. Light breeze. Track dry.
Walked down the hill towards the memorial seat with 2 dogs leading the way. A moderately large Saw-shelled Turtle was enjoying the sun while an Australian Brushturkey stood on the bank. A few yards further on was the seasons first Eastern Water Dragon on one of the rock piles. A smaller Dragon was on the next rock pile. A friendly Platypus came to inspect me at Platypus Bend . A solitary Turtle was on the Log Jam . A second Platypus remained on the far side of Platys Pool and another couple of Turtles were on the far bank.
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Australian Brush Turkey. Alectura lathami
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus