Rain 5.5 mm. Overcast early. Progressing to drizzle followed shortly by steady rain until 1130. Intermittent light rain since. Light southerly breeze. Track wet with numerous puddles and muddy areas.
Set out late to avoid contact with Volunteers working along the Creek. As we reached the street carrying our umbrella the rain started and after yesterdays experience I decided to continue. Silly me!
Some days are stone as they say, and the only creatures even more stupid than I were the Bush Stone-curlews of which we saw three in the same garden along Bunya St as well as the resident pair who were still looking sorry for themselves at Nick’s Camping Area.
What else did we see? Not much.
We saw more humans than anything else, being a group of three looking like visitors who were arriving at The Other Side from the south as we were leaving it and a local couple with a dog seen near the Memorial Bench. We avoided each other using the excuse that neither of our animals are friendly with other dogs!
A few birds were glimpsed here and there but none close enough to photograph.
At Platy’s Pool a Platypus appeared for a few seconds but by the time I had elevated my camera to eye level it had disappeared. I suspect that it had emerged from a nearby burrow and after receiving a few drops of rain on it’s nose thought better of it. I suspect that a large rain drop on the sensitive bill of a Platypus would be rather akin to you or I being slapped around the face with bag of wet fish!
Nothing else was seen until Nick’s as mentioned above, but I did grab a couple of snaps of an Olive-backed Sunbird seeking insects on the gate leading back to Bunya Street.
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Olive-backed Sunbird. Cinnyris jugularis