No rain. Bright sunny day with few scattered clouds. No breeze at this time. Track dry. Water level low. Moon Full + 5 days
Wildlife Report.
Started early again today and soon sighted one of the Bush Stone-curlew in the area between two of the Creek-side gardens. She was lying down and I thought I could see something protruding from her wing covers on either side. On editing the images two chick were revealed.
Nothing was seen at the entrance to Allumbah Pocket so in view of a reported injured Wallaby in the vicinity I made a route march to Frawley’s Pool. I saw no sign of it but I obtained a nice photo of a Golden Orb-weaver Spider almost blocking the track and had a distant sighting of a Forest Kingfisher diving into the Pool.
Returning to Allumbah Pocket I did a more thorough check and found that “Popeye” the Green Ringtail Possum was still in the tree next to the Suspension Bridge.
Nothing was around at The Other Side but a smart looking Eastern Water Dragon was showing off his profile on the Middle Rocks.
From Platypus Bend I could hear a Spotted Cat Bird calling from the far bank but was unable to see him.
In all of the flowering Syzygium Trees “Christmas” Beetles were very active but particularly in the tree near Full Tide Island where I took some photos. I was joined there by a family from the Gold Coast who promptly set off back to the Suspension Bridge when told of the GR Possum! (Dad had a large lens on his camera).
The Catbird was keeping pace with me along the Far Bank until I reached Log Jam Peninsula where he swooped down into the low bushes right in front of me but would not stay still. He was then abused by a Black-faced Monarch driving him up into a taller tree where I managed to get a few shots in one of which he was still calling.
Nothing was then seen until the Overhanging Bushes where the Green Ringtail was back in his foliage clump on the large River Oak.
At The Narrows I again spotted a female Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo with her well grown joey and they were being unusually cooperative. It was obviously morning wash and brush-up time and they took it in turns to groom themselves providing some interesting shots. At this point the Gold Coast Family caught up with me again and were able to enjoy the view.
A Pacific Black Duck swam nonchalantly past us as we stood at the water’s edge.
At the Viewing Platform I had a fleeting Glimpse of a Platypus at long range.
I also spotted a Bush Stone-curlew over at Nick’s Camping Area and went across to where he was standing happily surrounded by human accoutrements.
I finished by seeing the other family of Bush Stone-Curlews in the garden across the road from home.
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

“Christmas” Beetle. Phyllotocus macleayi

Spotted Catbird. Ailuroedus maculosus

Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi

Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosus