Friday 23rd August 2019. 1300-1400

No rain. Very cold morning to 4 deg C in Yungaburra but frosts in some higher parts of Tablelands. Moderate gusty breeze. Track dry.

Late start in view of temperature and chores needing attention. Thomas keen to come as usual. Only 2 platypus today at Snodgrass’s Pool and the Narrows and neither keen on publicity. Images presented more to substantiate sighting than for photographic merit. Possums notable by their absence. Three Saw-shelled Turtles were seen at the Log Jam but took to the water before I could raise my camera. Fortunately the birds came to the rescue with Australian Brushturkey along the track, Plumed Whistling Ducks on the far bank of the creek above the Highway Bridge and the pair of Bush Stone-curlews at Nick’s camping area.

New Map. To assisted with navigation along Petersons Creek I have added a new map on the CREEK WALK page .

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

At Snodgrass’s Pool
At the Narrows

Australian Brushturkey. Alectura lathami

A common trial for the local gardener but our overseas visitors don’t see them wandering around the place.

Plumed Whistling Duck. Dendrocygna eytoni

Flock of Ducks on Creek Bank above Highway Bridge

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

At Nick’s camping area.