33.5 mm of rain in the gauge. Overcast. Spitting slightly during Patrol. Light variable breeze. Track damp. Water level up another 10cms. Steppingstones now submerged. Very few logs above water at the Jam.
Thomas enthusiastic today which is surprising after his experience with the hair dryer after our last expedition.
Nothing seen along Bunya Street or at Allumbah Pocket.
At The Other Side a Macleay’s Honeyeater was in the tree which overhangs the Picnic Shelter but did not sit still enough for a portrait.
Approaching Snodgrass’s Pool a large tree had fallen across the Creek from one of the water side gardens.
Nothing then until Platypus Point where a Barred Cuckoo-shrike posed for us and at last obtained a usable image!
In the Flowering Tree near Flood Tide Island, Christmas Beetles were active and also European Bees and Dusky Honeyeaters.
The trees nearby hosted a feeding group of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters.
The Log Jam was almost fully submerged.
The flowering Tree at Platy’s Pool was also the venue for numerous Honeyeaters and I managed a few shots of a Scarlet Myzomela.
I noticed some disturbance in the water but unfortunately nothing emerged.
In Number 1 of the Overhanging Bushes an unfamiliar and very grumpy looking male Green Ringtail Possum was roosting and took photos with some difficulty.
Studied the environs of my last Platypus siting as we are still trying decide the optimum method of trapping the “ringed” Platypus. At present I am favoring a floating trap modified to preclude drowning of occupants and set close to overhanging grasses where Platypus frequently forage. I plan to seek permission to access the private gardens in the relevant area so that the traps are well away from public interference.
I took some shots of a Lewin’s Honeyeater along Dowling’s Corridor.
Completed the Patrol by spotting a well coloured juvenile Eastern Water Dragon under the Highway Bridge.
We wish all our followers a Very Happy New Year with no Covid19, easier travel to our region, favorable weather and successful spotting.
Barred Cuckooshrike. Coracina lineata
Christmas Beetle
Yellow-faced Honeyeater. Caligavis chrysops
Scarlet Honeyeater. Myzomela sanguinolenta
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri – male
Lewin’s Honeyeater. Meliphaga lewinii
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii