Friday 18th July. 1400 -1450.

Beautiful sunny day and quite warm this afternoon after a 7 deg start. Track dry throughout.

Three Platypus seen but only one film star. The last was in the Viewing Pool and performing for a bus load of school children who were obviously enjoying it’s antics. A Saw-Shelled Turtle occupied his usual log and also saw a Pacific Baza at Alumbah Pocket and a Little Bronze-Cuckoo along the track.

Platypus. Ornithorhinchus actinus.

Feeding under the overhanging grasses and taking no notice of anything else.
Garnished with floating water weed.

Saw-Shelled Turtle – Elseya latisternum

Turtles are usually quite anxious and return to the water is startled but this guy is getting more relaxed by the day.

Pacific Baza – Aviceda subcristata

Medium sized hawk of tropics and subtropics which feeds on large insects, frogs, lizards and nestling birds.

Little Bronze Cuckoo – Chalcites minutillus

Small iridescent cuckoo which as usual lays eggs in nests of other birds.