No rain. Sunny with increasing cumulus clouds. Light variable breeze. Track dry. Water level low. Full Moon on 19th Dec.
Wildlife Report
Another even earlier start as a lot to be done today.
Along Bunya Street I saw a Bush Stone-curlew in the Police compound. It’s mate was in the garden opposite and suffering an acute anxiety attack because I was walking along the street and preventing them from joining up!
At Allumbah Pocket “Popeye” the male Green Ringtail Possum was in the tree next to the Suspension Bridge and so close to the Bridge that he was almost in touching distance.
I figured that “Mrs Green” and her joey must be somewhere in the vicinity and as I reached The Other Side I spotted a blob of terrestrial mammal in the tree immediately to the right of the Bridge. I obtained a view which confirmed that it was a Green Ringtail but it was not possible to establish any further detail.
An Eastern Water Dragons was on the Horseshoe Rocks and a larger specimen at the Upper Level but he dived for cover before he could be photographed.
Along the next section of the track there were numerous spider’s webs shining brightly with the morning dew both in the short grass and in the branches of the Bottle Brushes.
In the flowering tree near Flood Tide Island I photographed a metallic green Beetle which I have now identified as one of the Scarabaeidae, subfamily
Melolonthinae, tribe Sericini, genus Phyllotocus, Sp. macleayi . As such it is not considered a Christmas Beetle as this term officially applies only to Anoplognathus, in the subfamily Rutelinae. I think that I will probably continue to follow local terminology!
Along Stringers Stretch a Platypus was very busy feeding but stayed unfortunately on the far side of the Creek which at that point is quite wide.
At The Narrows I met a group of photographers from Cairns who I sent off to see the Platypus with directions for seeing “Popeye”.
While crossing the Highway Bridge I again saw a juvenile Water Dragon on the rocks below.
At the Viewing Platform I immediately spotted a Platypus which was highly cooperative although at this point the wildlife is too far away for best quality images.
Crossing the Highway to the vacant lot I again saw a male Cairns Birdwing Butterfly and have reached the conclusion that the orange discolouration on his abdomen is not pollen but more likely that he is suffering from a serious fungal infection.
I also saw a pair of Macleay’s Honeyeaters in the branches of the Poinciana Tree.
Among the tall trees at the Creek end of the lot a Black-faced Monarch came to check me out.
In the garden across the road from home the two Bush Stone-curlews are still moping around.
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Spiders Webs on Bottle Brush bushes

Green Metallic Scarabaeidae Beetle. Phyllotocus macleayi

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Cairns Birdwing Butterfly. Ornithoptera priamus

Macleay’s Honeyeater. Xanthotis macleayana

Black-faced Monarch. Monarcha melanopsis