9 ml rain in gauge. Overcast. Some sunny periods. Light SE breeze. Track moist.
Met up with some of the Volunteers as they arrived at work and exchange notes re Creek matters including Opera House yabbie traps, the Highway Bridge path and animal sightings. This included the presence or the Chocolate Brush Tail Possum with joey who were in the Mistletoe clump at Allumbah Pocket.
A large Eastern Water Dragon was on the rocks opposite the Memorial Bench and I was able to photograph him from both sides. A female Dragon was on the upper level opposite Snodgrass’s Pool.
Nothing seen at the Log Jam but an immature Barred Cuckooshrike visited along the high level path around Platy’s Pool. At that point Met a dad from Melbourne who’s two small girls loved Thomas and made his day!
In the Overhanging Bushes (no 5) found a Green Ringtail Possum and finally managed to introduce one of my regular followers and her two dogs who have been having difficulty following my directions!
No Turtles seen today today apart from another taking a breath on the surface nearby.
Less activity among the gum flowers this morning although I caught one of my Honey Bees collecting a mass of Pollen along at Picnic Peninsula.
No Platypus seen today.
In the paddock behind the car park there was a group of six or more Bush Stone-curlews and a moderate flock of Magpie Geese.
Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Barred Cuckooshrike. Coracina lineata – immature
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
European Honey Bee. Apis mellifera
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius
Magpie Goose. Anseranas semipalmata