3 mm or rain in the gauge. Overcast with threatening clouds and distant thunder. Wind mainly from the North, gusty at times. Track slightly damp. Water level steady. Moon Phase – First Quarter -1 day.
Wildlife Report
Walking briskly today and hoping to get in a Patrol before the heavens open.
At the entrance to Allumbah Pocket “Mrs Green” the Green Ringtail Possum was in her regular spot and looking very comfortable.
No sign of her other mates so deviated down the short path to the old Boiler House and spotted “Nosey” the other female GRP in a bushy tree to the left of the path.
A small Saw-shelled Turtle was on the first Stepping Stone on the Village side of the Creek, most of the remainder being still under water.
Looked out for Flying Foxes while crossing the Suspension Bridge but could only see 2 or 3 and they were very quiet.
Nothing was visible at The Other Side except a few White-headed Pigeons.
At Snodgrass’s Pool several Turtles were swimming around and two approached each other nose to nose. I have never observed a Polynesian greeting between turtles before!
“Whitespot” had moved to a different spot in the foliage of the Syzygium Tree and could be photographed only with difficulty. I was just able to confirm her identity.
A moderately sized Eastern Water Dragon was on the Rocks opposite the Pool.
A Saw-shelled Turtle was on top of the Concrete Slab at The Log Jam while another was on a horizontal tree trunk at Platys Pool.
A row of them were on show on the sloping log on the Far Bank near the base of Picnic Peninsula with another on a log at the tip.
A number of Large-footed Myotis were roosting under the Highway Bridge and were photographed with the aid of my spotlight.
A couple of juvenile Dragons were observed on the rocks below the bridge.
At Nicks Camping Area two Bush Stone-curlews were photographed separately.
While checking the East Bank for Tree Roos I saw yet another Green Ringtail Possum and a darkly coloured Brushtail Possum was in a large tree close to the water.
In the overhanging Fig Tree the only visitor was a male Eastern Koel and I realised that I had also seen him on my previous visit.
At this point there was an ear splitting crash of thunder so I hurried home expecting at any moment to get soaked. A tremendous electrical storm followed but we had nothing but a few drops of rain.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shell Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Spectacled Flying Fox. Pteropus conspicillatus

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Large-footed Myotis. Myotis macropus

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Eastern Koel. Eudynamys orientalis