Author Archives: ian.gibbs123

Sunday 7th July – 0900 – 0930

Overcast but warmer than for a few days and intermittent sun. Few puddles after recent showers and some areas of sticky mud. Not good for new white trainers!

Birds active and noisy but keeping well hidden. 2 platypus seen, the first checking territory , the other having a scratch before stopping to check me out. Cattle egrets still busy with the heifers.

Platypus 1

Fast moving on surface.

Diving at speed.

Platypus 2

Moving fast while having a good scratch with right hind leg. Difficult conditions for a well focused image!
Stopped to check me out.

Cattle Egret with Brahmin heifer

Close quarters.

Wednesday a.m.

Cloudy and cold this morning but no rain during night. Intermittent sun. Not a lot of activity but several Rainbow Bee-Eaters hovering around my hive. They too looked cold. A nice platypus was busy fishing and a group of Cattle Egrets were keeping the heifers company.

Rainbow Bee-eater – Merops ornatus. Feathers fluffed up on cool morning
Platypus busy fishing.
Bubble on surface as Platypus stirs up bottom of creek
Cattle Egrets with young heifer.

July 1 on Petersons Creek

Platypus on surface between feeding dives

Platypus at speed

Platypus swim on surface at about walking speed when checking out their territory

Pair of Bush Stone-Curlews

Wompoo Fruit Dove

This morning’s stroll along Petersons Creek. Platypus were quite active this morning and one of my regular pairs of Bush Stone Curlews were at home. Wampoo Fruit doves are seasonal visitors.