Monday 19th August 2019. 0915-1020

Bright sunny day. No Rain yesterday. Light cool breeze. Track dry.

Not a very productive walk this morning. Plenty of songbirds around but more interested in breeding than sitting still. Motto for today “Feathered fornicators frustrate fotographers!” Very fleeting glimpse of only one platypus. No possums in evidence. Day was made by flock of ducks soaring over the meadows behind the car park. There was obviously a rising thermal as the ducks were soaring and wheeling and joined by a small group of Ibis and some Sarus Cranes much higher and disappearing into a light mist.

I also captured some video of the Ducks which is not supported by the blog. It can be seen on my Facebook Page

Plumed Whistling Duck. Dendrocygna eytoni

Whistling Ducks soaring in a thermal at high altitude over upper Petersons Creek
Descending towards meadows
At lower altitude preparing to land
Continue to wheel, possibly because being followed by Whistling Kite

Straw-Necked Ibis. Threskiornis spinicollis

Ibis including an Australasian White Ibis soaring in same thermal

Whistling KIte. Haliastur sphenurus

Kite following flock on look out for stragglers.