Friday 13th August 2021. 1320 – 1445


6 mm of rain in the gauge. Overcast with intermittent sunny periods. Gust southerly breeze. Track damp. Water level steady. Moon Phase First Quarter – 3 days.

Wildlife Report

Time for some relaxation after a morning spent helping around the house and gardening.
Walking along Bunya Street I saw a small bird of prey land in the Police Station yard but if flew up into a tree as I approached and I never got a good look. I suspect that it may have been an Australian Hobby which I have seen in the area before.
Nothing was around at Allumbah Pocket but as I crossed the suspension bridge I spotted an Eastern Water Skink on one of the Stepping Stones and went down to the waters edge for a closer look.
Just past the Memorial Bench I noted some ripples under the bank and soon found a very cooperative Platypus which hung around for about 10 minutes and was still there when a local lady with her grandson arrived on the scene. I had occupied some of this period photographing an Pacific Emerald Dove in the trees opposite.
Moving on there was nothing at the Log Jam except a tiny Saw-shelled Turtle resting on top of a log.
At Platys Pool I spotted a Green Ringtail Possum in the trees to the left. I have not seen one in this location before although there was a period when they regularly frequented the row of River Oaks which line the path. She did seem rather large and on examining the edited image I observed the face of her joey which can be seen peering out of the pouch!
Approaching Picnic Peninsula a much larger Turtle was taking the sun on a sloping log which it was again sharing with a juvenile Eastern Water Dragon.
While on the Peninsula a second Pacific Emerald Dove came and strutted his stuff in front of me.
Another Platypus was found at Stringers Stretch and mainly enjoying the far bank but I did manage to snatch a couple of shots.
The Golden Orb-weaver Spider was in her regular spot below the Highway Bridge and from the same area I also photographed a moderate sized Turtle occupying “Tensing” Turtle’s log in the Viewing Pool.
A much smaller juvenile Eastern Water Dragon was seen on the rocks under the Bridge.
In the Fig Tree overhanging the vacant lot, the red Brushtail Possum had her face towards me today but it was difficult to make out apart from her ears.
Along Bunya Street the blooming Bottle Brushes were attracting a busy group of honeyeaters including the Brown, White-faced and Scarlet species and I was able to photograph the last two. Another Scarlet Honeyeater was in our garden and added to the photo tally.

Eastern Water Skink. Eulamprus quoyii

View from the bridge
Closer view from the bank

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

This girl is getting very familiar with me and appears to come deliberately close
The front feet have a huge area relative to the size of the animal
Heading off to continue feeding
Second Platypus at Stringers Stretch

Australian Emerald Dove. Chalcophaps longirostris

In trees opposite Snodgrass’s Pool

A real show off at Picnic Peninsula

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Tiny Turtle at The Log Jam
Much larger specimen at Overhanging Bushes
Perched on the pole in front of the Viewing Platform

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

At Platys Pool
On looking closely the face of her joey can be seen below the leaf at left centre looking out of the pouch!

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Sharing log with Turtle near Picnic Peninsula
Much smaller Dragon under Highway Bridge

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

On Lomandra just below Highway Bridge

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Very red Rain Forest Possum. Right ear is obvious with eye just visible below and Left ear concealed behind stick.

White-cheeked Honeyeater. Phylidonyris niger

Enjoying the nectar

Scarlet Honeyeater. Myzomela sanguinolenta

Has to be my favourite Honeyeater!
Another in the same bush as the White-cheeked
In our garden