Wednesday 14th August 2019. 0900-0950

Cold morning. No rain. Cloudy with sunny spells. Track dry.

Busy day ahead to set out fairly early with both my boys. Today was the turn of the Green Ringtail Possums of which I saw 2 pairs. Only 3 Platypus showed up and none really met my exacting standards. Numerous visitors shared these sightings including Dave who lived in Bairnsdale at the same time as us and a neighbour who has been hanging out to see a Green Ringtail Possum.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Mature possum in trees opposite Snodgrass’s Pool. Quite timid and changed her position in protest at being watched.
Second possum in same tree but very hard to see in dense foliage. In fact it was pointed out to me.
A glimpse of No 2’s face

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Feeding at Platypus Bend
Further upstream towards the Log Jam

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Mother and joey at Overhanging Bushes
Mother having a scratch (my animals spend a lot of time doing this) and showing off her opposing thumb.