Saturday 9th January 2021. 1030 – 1130


65 m of rain in gauge overnight. Overcast. No rain as yet this morning. No breeze. Track wet. Several areas where surface water has eroded track surface. Black mud mainly in areas where water runs off the paddock. Water level has been above the banks during the night depositing 25 mm of very sticky mud. Water level now up by 300 mm. Strong water flow leaving mounds of debris in places.

Top of the concrete slab opposite Log Jam Peninsula
Turtle on the same concrete slab on 07/01/21. Water level is a good 300 mm higher!
View from Observation Bench at The Narrows. Whole area is covered with alluvial mud


Not walking weather for dogs.
Along Bunya Street Spotted a Bush Stone-curlew in one of the garden which leads down to the Creek.
At Allumbah Pocket a Common Brushtail Possum was in the Mistletoe Clump where the track curves to the left to reach the Creek Bank. On closer inspection she had a Charcoal coloured joey sitting in front of her with it’s tail draped across her abdomen.
Close by in the tree next to the suspension Bridge, “Popeye” the Green Ringtail Possum was perched on an open branch and enjoying the scenery.
Found an Eastern Water Dragon at my new site for viewing them behind the storage area at The Other Side. Another sprinted into the vegetation as I rounded the corner of the paddock.
Very quiet for birds and insects today and observed nothing apart from deposits of mud on the banks and flattened vegetation in areas which had been inundated. Flood Tide Island is now living up to it’s name.
Found another male Green Ringtail Possum in No 3 of the Overhanging Bushes and took some pleasing images of him.
No Platypus seen today. No evidence of the flood level compromising any of the burrows of which I am aware.
I am concerned that it will not be possible to attempt capture of “Ringneck” while stormy weather and high rainfall continues at a similar level.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

As first seen. The curious oval area is where we can see through her coiled tail to the more brightly illuminate side of her chest.
Better view of Mum’s face while joey’s tail lies across her abdomen and ends in a curl.
Couldn’t decide which of the last 2 images to chose.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

‘Popeye” in tree next to bridge.
Much better view.
Another male at Overhanging Bushes
I think he has a mosquito or perhaps a tick on his nose!

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Behind the Work Shed at The Other Side