No rain. Scattered cumulus clouds. Mostly sunny. SE breeze. Track dry. Water level remains very low.
Solitary patrol again today.
Nothing to be seen at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side.
One of the regular Eastern Water Dragons was at Horseshoe Rocks.
In the trees at the upstream end of these rocks I was pleased to spot a female Green Ringtail Possum with her joey and even more please when I realized that it was “White Spot” who I have not seen for some weeks. Both of them remained quite happy while I explored different view points and took a series of photos.
On the rocks near Snodgrass’s Pool I saw another Water Dragon, this one quite colourful but with and area of white skin around it’s mouth. Have never seen this before but will report further if I see it again.
Near Platypus Bend a pair of Eastern Yellow Robins were feeding although at a greater distance than desirable.
Nothing seen at The Log Jam but as I left the Peninsula another Yellow Robin appeared and although closer I did not manage to get a well focused image.
The final sighting for the day was a male Green Ringtail Possum in the Fig Tree which overhangs the vacant lot near the Medical Centre.
Few visitors were seen along the Creek this morning although the village was busy because of the Christmas Market.
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri
Eastern Yellow Robin. Eopsaltria australis