No rain for several days. Temperature at 0630 8 degrees C. Bright sunny day. Cloudless sky. Minimal southerly breeze. Track dry. Water level steady.
Set off on my own this afternoon, my furbuddy Thomas still being incapacitated. He whinged solidly in his protective cage until I returned home as he believes that there is nothing wrong with him.
Had to wait for a family to cross Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge while two teenagers fooled around. Observed social distancing with a frosty glare.
Nothing of note seen at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side.
“Popeye” the Green Ringtail Possum remains in residence in the trees opposite Snodgrass’s Pool but again very well concealed and difficult to obtain a worthwhile photo. Two small groups of Asian tourists passed while I was trying to do so.
At the Log Jam a solitary Saw-shelled Turtle was occupying one of the prime logs with nothing else around.
A small Orb-weaver spider had a well illuminated web along the Peninsula.
At Picnic Peninsula I met up with “Clubfoot” one of the resident Brush Turkeys who is almost tame and enjoys having his picture taken.
Along Stringers Stretch a 1 metre + snake, I think a Slaty-grey , took to the water before emerging onto the path under the Foot Bridge. I flashed off photos while he was swimming and some better ones on dry land.
Nothing found in the vicinity of the Platypus Viewing Platform and the car port so crossed the highway and found “Chocolate” the Brushtail Possum still hiding her face with her tail. Today she was sharing her tree with a new sighting for me, a female Macleay’s Fig Parrot.
To finish the walk, one of the Bunya Street Bush Stone-curlews was relaxing among the Cobbler’s Peg in a neighbours garden.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Orb-weaver Spider. Ssp unknown

Australian Brush Turkey. Alectura lathami

Slaty-grey snake. Stegonotus cucculatus

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Double-eyed Fig Parrot. Cyclopsitta diopthalma ssp macleayana female

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius