10.5 mm of rain in the gauge. Overcast with intermittent drizzle and periods of heavy rain. Wind variable, South Easterly, gusting to 15 knots at times. Track Wet, numerous puddles and extensive areas of mud.
Thomas and I set off with umbrella up and an optimistic attitude.
This was buoyed when we managed to photograph a pair of Bush Stone-curlews in the garden along Bunya Street.
At Allumbah Pocket however it was dashed completely when the rain became so heavy that we were forced to shelter at the Picnic Table while it rattled on the roof!
Once it had eased off we checked out The Other Side before finding an Eastern Water Dragon in the Rocks near Snodgrass’s Pool.
On to the Log Jam where two Water Dragons were on and above the concrete slab against the far bank. The larger lizard seems to be making it his regular spot where he is actually quite hard to see as his camouflage blends into the background.
The rain increased in intensity again as we made our way towards Platy’s Pool. I must have closed and re-opened the umbrella at least 10 times during the Patrol.
Snapped the nose of a Saw-shelled Turtle as he took a quick breath.
In No 3.5 of the Overhanging Bushes found a Green Ringtail Possum artfully concealed in the canopy. I tried a variety of positions around the bush but the best image was not as good as I would have liked. I would have needed a 3 metre step-ladder free standing in the paddock to have any chance of viewing his face!
No sign of the Curlews around the Car Park or outside Nick’s but I believe it was the same pair which were adorning the entrance to one of our near neighbours along Bunya Street.
An finally an apology to Thomas for getting him soaked to the skin twice and attacked by leaches twice within a week!