2.5 mm only in the gauge. Overcast with light drizzle progressing to intermittent rain during the Patrol. Light SE breeze, Gusty at times. Track wet but less than yesterday. Extensive muddy patches.
Weather looking decidedly dodgy so elected to go on Patrol alone carrying an umbrella. Found this worked quite well and was able to get a few photos regardless of the rain. Now have to devise a harness to hold the umbrella up and permit me to use both hands on the camera!
From the bottom of our drive noticed a pair of Peaceful Doves sitting on the fence opposite and looking as if their opinion on the weather was similar to mine. Had to take a pic which coincided with the rain becoming more serious.
Continued on with nothing seen until Snodgrass’s Pool where the Green Ringtail Possum had crossed the walk to a tree with thicker foliage. He still looked thoroughly dejected as rain drops dripped on him from the leaves.
He seemed to be the only critter braving the elements along the entire walk.
Water was flowing into the Creek from street drains under the Highway Bridge which I have never seen before but I tend to avoid walking when it is raining. Some of the Bats were still roosting.
Emerging from under the bridge the rain had stopped and I took another photo of the Orb Weaver Spider from the walkway.
No one was at home in the Paddock and the Bush Stone-curlews had moved to Nick’s Camping Area where they also looked thoroughly miserable.
Peaceful Dove. Geopelia placida

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Drain Running

Garden Orb Weaver Spider. Eriophora transmarina or similar. Female

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius